Faith Working Through Love: Life as a living sacrifice

Sunday, we ended our Advent series on Jesus: King of the Poor, by focusing on the humility of God and his opposition to the proud. Jesus shows us God when he divests himself—not of his deity, but of his glory, becoming man and serving his Father. God delights in exalting the lowly, the humble; but he abhors what the world exalts. All glory be to the Father, Son, and Spirit.

This week, Brian Ryu will take us to Romans 12:1-2 where the Apostle Paul calls believers to present themselves to God as living sacrifices.  What does the Apostle Paul mean by living sacrifices, and how does Christ's entering into this world by taking on human flesh help us understanding true worship and living?  Instead of being conformed to this world, we’re called to pursue God’s design and purpose for our lives.  God's design for our lives leads to true life.  His renewal transforms how we think about and live our lives, giving us a perspective different from that of the culture around us, and making us meaningful agents of renewal in our community.

As we begin the new year, let’s consider the work of God in our lives to make us his servants in East Cobb and beyond. Join us for worship on Sunday!