Faith Working Through Love: One Anothering

John Stott said, “Our conduct toward others is determined by our opinion of ourselves.” When we find personal value in our performance, life becomes a competition and we both provoke and envy one another. This was the situation in the Galatian churches because of a distorted gospel that demanded performance.

In our text, Paul shows us what it looks like to live in community with a pure gospel of grace. First, instead of judging those who sin, we pursue their restoration to Christ, careful to watch ourselves as fellow sinners vulnerable to temptation. Second, is how we bear each other’s burdens out of brotherly love. Both of these examples are determined by how we view and handle our own loads.

My self-assessment before God will either free me to love my neighbor or will give me reason to boast over my neighbor. This is why Christian community must be deeply rooted in the gospel (gospel centered community) and not performance.

So come Sunday to hear the gospel and consider the power of gospel centered community!

Tim Locke